The victory of August 30th continues in Turkey, Syria, Iran, Libya, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, which is defeating imperialism today.


Great Turkish Nation,
Dear Members of the Press,

We are addressing to our nation from a day of victory.
August 30th is the victory day of the Turkish nation. Happy Victory Day to us all.

“There Are Our Soldiers’ Bayonets Behind August 30th!”

The revolutionary GNAT government and armies established in 1920 mobilized the Turkish nation with the slogan "Independence or Death", defeated the Western imperialists who were thought to be the empire on which the sun never sets, and became the vanguard of the oppressed who stood up in the East. Our Revolutionary Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was pointing to the force that created the victory and the power behind it, by saying, "The Armies of the Grand National Assembly, your first target is the Mediterranean, forward!"
There are our soldiers’ bayonets based on the will of our nation behind our victory.
The glorious victory that we defeated the imperialist armies under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 99 years ago and gave hope to the oppressed nations is not a memory left in history.

“August 30th Lives in Countries That Defeat Imperialism”

Atatürk also pointed to this day by saying in 1933, “Look at the sun that will rise from the east now. Just as I see the day dawning today, I see the awakening of all Eastern nations from afar. There are more sibling nations that will attain their independence and freedom.”
And today imperialism is being perished and destroyed. The oppressed nations of yesterday are hitting imperialism one by one today! The victory of August 30 continues in Turkey, Syria, Iran, Libya, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, which is defeating imperialism today.
Afghanistan, on the front line of the struggle against imperialism today, gives hope to the oppressed nations, just as Turkey did 99 years ago.
The victory of August 30 gave hope, courage, and determination to all oppressed nations. The leader of India's liberation struggle, Gandhi, said, "We thought the British were God until the Turks' victory." How did we defeat the "the single toothed beast called civilization" that Mehmet Akif pointed out in our National Anthem?

“We Defeated Imperialism With Our Heroes in Sandals and Shalwars”

We defeated the imperialists not with fictional heroes produced in the studios, but with our heroes with patched cardigans and holes in their sandals. We defeated them not with nuclear warheads, but with our heroes carrying bullets in their laps with their shalwar and headscarves. We defeated them with our heroic women who marched into the darkness with their chador. We defeated them with our heroic men, known as ignorant, who were despised because they knew nothing but plowing and herding animals. The poor of Anatolia and Thrace stood up, won an unprecedented victory, and made history. This is how we became the Turkish Nation.

Today, the poor people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America have stood up. Imperialism has been defeated, it is being defeated, it will be defeated.

“Atatürk Raised the Flag of Independent Afghanistan With His Own Hands”

The following article in the 1 March 1921 Friendship Agreement between Turkey and Afghanistan is still in effect today. “The fate and happiness of these two countries belong to each other. If the enemy is attacking a country, it is an attack against the other country as well.” Since the destinies of the two countries were one, the Afghan nation was celebrating on 30 August 1922. Because we fought shoulder to shoulder. Afghan youth took part in our defense of the homeland and were martyred on the same soil with our soldier, Mehmetçik. This is why the “Mehmet Afghanistan Monument” exists in Çanakkale Martyrs' Monument. Afghanistan is the first country to recognize the Turkish Grand National Assembly and government established in Ankara in 1920. Atatürk raised the Afghan flag with his hands at the opening of the Ankara Embassy of Afghanistan on July 10, 1921.

Today, the Afghan nation, under the leadership of the Taliban, has taken its place in the front line in the war of not only Afghanistan but also Turkey’s and all oppressed nations’ against imperialism by expelling the American boots from their country.

“The Eurasian Front Against Imperialism Stands By Afghanistan”

Now Turkey, Russia, Iran, China, Pakistan, and Central Asian countries are forming a fortress that affects the future of the world. From Vietnam to Syria, from Libya to Cuba, all humanity is with the Afghan nation. Not only the fate of Turkey but the fate of all Asia is united with Afghanistan’s!
There are also those who look hostilely at Afghanistan's war of independence and victory. Those who looked hostilely at, were also looking at Turkey's independence struggle 99 years ago. Today, they are waiting in the ambush of Turkey's defeat in Turkey's 2nd War of Independence. They are not only part of the ambush of defeat, but also part of Biden's offensive plans against Turkey.

“Those Who Despise Afghanistan's Victory Should Have A Good Look at Those Who Fell From the US Plane”

Those who sneer at Afghanistan's victory are in the same place as those collaborators who rolled off the wheels of America's cargo plane. For America, even their dogs are more valuable than their collaborators. Look at their collaborators in Turkey! Look who prefers American boots over independence! Those who are on the side of imperialism crushed by Atatürk and fed on American funds are not as valuable to the USA as the dogs on that plane.

“Kemalism Is To Be Heart to Heart With the Nations That Defeat Imperialism”

Those who despise Afghanistan's victory do it under the mask of Kemalism. You cannot be a Kemalist with the badge you wear on your collar and the sentences you memorize. Kemalism is to act like Atatürk. To act like Atatürk is to be heart to heart with the nations that perish and destroy imperialism. To act like Atatürk is to form alliances that will overthrow imperialism.

As the youth of Atatürk, we salute the sibling Afghanistan, which fought against imperialism and won the victory.

“Great Humanity Is Advancing To The Great Victory Against Imperialism”

Imperialism has been defeated in Afghanistan, but this defeat is neither the first nor the last. The murderer mob, PKK-YPG terrorists, which the US imperialism called "my land force" in Syria, were crushed by the guns of the Turkish soldier. The plans for Kurdistan, which covers the south of Turkey from the north of Iraq and Syria, and which is planned to open to the Eastern Mediterranean, have been destroyed. On July 15, the American Gladio, who wanted to make us kneel, knelt before the Turkish army. The US imperialism, which fled without looking back in Kirkuk, which was defeated in Karabakh, and which was at a loss in the face of the uprising of faithful hearts in Jerusalem, is in a pathetic situation.

Great humanity is advancing with firm steps to the great victory against imperialism.

“The American Dream Is Over, It's Time of Reckoning”

With the armed resistance of the West Asian countries led by Turkey and Syria, there is no other option for America but defeat in these lands. We are calling out to the world's biggest thug USA and its collaborators: It is the time of reckoning for the tears you have shed in the countries you have occupied. The oppressed peoples have risen. Your plans cannot save you! You have no choice but to jump on your planes and scurry away.
The common destiny to be shared by those who attach all their plans to come to power to the success of the USA is to roll off the wheel of a US cargo plane.
The American dream is over! We are now approaching the end of this movie. But this time the ending of the movie will be different from the endings of Hollywood movies. Imperialism will be driven out of this land! The sun will rise over the East!

“Greetings To the Asian Nations Who Have Overthrown Imperialism!”

As Namık Kemal said, "Do not think that the manner changes. This blood is the same blood!”

We are the heroes of the August 30 victory, which gave hope and courage to the world of the oppressed 99 years ago!
The flag of victory we won on August 30 has been rising in the hands of oppressed nations for 99 years, and today the flag of victory is flying in Afghanistan.

Greetings to the sibling nation Afghanistan!

Greetings to the Asian nations that have crushed and will overthrow American imperialism!

Dilek Çınar
The President of Youth Union of Turkey (TGB)

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