Abdullah Bozkurt, the New York Bureau Chief of FETÖ's Zaman newspaper and former Ankara Representative of Today's Zaman's English edition, targeted the Youth Inion of Türkiye (TGB) in a news story he published on his website "Nordic Monitor", which he launched with funds from Swedish state that supports the PKK/YPG, a separatist terrorist organization.
He aimed at the independence struggle of the Palestinian people and HAMAS, accusing us of "aggression against NATO bases and US soldiers", "raising militants in summer camps", "instilling extreme leftist and Islamist ideology in young people" and tried to portray TGB as an illegal and dangerous organization.
Fugitive FETO members, who are looking for a new source of life for themselves, have made it a habit to target the forces fighting against US imperialism and Israeli Zionism and wage war against them in every field, but they have not been able to prevent the solidarity of the resistance front.
We are very proud to be attacked by Abdullah Bozkurt, a fugitive FETO criminal who tried to exonerate Israel and the US based on MOSSAD reports. We will continue to crown this honor, to cooperate with the countries in the region, and to fight until the US-Israel is expelled from our region.